January energy + some book news

Are we thinking or doing this month?

Ximena Vengoechea
6 min readJan 21, 2025

Hi friends,

It feels strange to send this missive out in the midst of what feels like a very intense start to the new year, between the devastating wildfires in L.A., the chaos of Inauguration Day, and the will-they-or-won’t-they TikTok ban in the U.S., among other headliners. But I also know many of us need a respite from the news and an excuse to stop doomscrolling — so I hope this letter gives you a breather and a chance to recenter yourself. In the meantime, you can donate to help the wildfire relief efforts in LA here. — Ximena

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I saw a poll on social media the other day that asked, “How long can you wish someone Happy New Year?,” with options ranging from January 1 only (rude), the first week of January (obvs) to the entire month of January. (Hmmmm.) Now, because my birthday is in January, once I’ve cruised past the New Year I am in full birthday planning mode; I’m usually more concerned with how long I can celebrate my birthday than the New Year. (Shoutout to my fellow Aquarians! ♒ 💜)

But having thought about it, and being a little slow to get into the New Year groove myself this year, I think I’m netting out on the most generous option — a month — for both. Because really, who among us doesn’t want to ride that New Years train for as long as possible??

So in honor of the New Year (which we’ll be celebrating all month with no shame) and fresh starts and do-overs and blank slates — and knowing that we’re all going at our own pace (currently giving off strong snail vibes over here), and knowing how quickly that New Years excitement can turn into overwhelm when we bite off more than we can chew — I present to you a little something to help you navigate this time of introspection (and eventually action): The Life Audit Journal.

✨TA-DA!✨ A beaut you can write in!

By now, you know all about The Life Audit book and method. Ever since I created The Life Audit, I pictured readers conducting their life audits and taking notes along the way. Logging their hopes and dreams and wishes galore. Returning to their dreams months and years later to reflect on how their lives had changed and all that they’d achieved. But where would they hold their life audit hopes and dreams? Where would those memories live?

Today I am so excited to announce the new Life Audit Journal, in stores February 4th and officially available for preorder now! If the book laid the groundwork for how to work through your life audit, the Life Audit Journal is the perfect way to find even deeper meaning in your life audit. Filled with bright, uplifting art and tons of space for reflection and goal setting, this beautiful companion to The Life Audit book will help you uncover your passions and make confident decisions based on those insights. Packed with creative and thought-provoking prompts, it’s designed to help you discover your passions, goals, and dreams and live every day with joy and purpose.

It’s also a lovely record of your hopes, dreams, wishes, fears, plans, and intentions from this moment in time. (Who doesn’t love going back to an old journal and feeling all the feels from Past You?)


And, IMHO, The Life Audit Journal is the perfect partner to help us transition from that end-of-the-year chaos, through that New Year’s self-reflection and intention setting, all the way to action-planning and doing the damn thing, whenever you’re ready for it. This year I personally feel like I need the entire month of January to get in the zone (hello, February, for GSD!), and I’m so glad to have The Life Audit Journal at my side.

It’s also really special to me as a creative project. If you’ve been following my work, you know that I do my own illustrations. With each book project, I’ve gotten to push that skillset further. In the The Life Audit Journal, the warm color palette for the journal (pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows) makes a beautiful companion to the cool colors in the book (blues, greens, and purples). There’s dedicated space (bubbles, as I’ve come to think of them) for answering specific prompts, and ample room at the back of the journal for free-writing. It makes a very special pairing with The Life Audit book — I really think you’re going to love it.

If you think you might enjoy the journal, please consider preordering your copy now. Preorders signal to bookstores and retailers that this book is worth stocking. I’d love to see the journal at a store near you — and preorders are a great way to encourage that. You can preorder your copy at Amazon | Bookshop | Community Bookstore | W.H.Smith (UK) or ask for it at your local indie or library.

  • The New Year is the perfect time for self-reflection and a life audit, so it’s no surprise the Life Audit has been in the news lately. I was stoked to be part of The L.A. Times’s January roundup of Latino authors. Here are some other places you can hear me talk about The Life Audit:

💌 Thanks as always for reading along and supporting my work. If you like what you see, hit the heart button, drop a comment, or share this with someone you think will love it, too. You can order my new book or journal or book me for a speaking event here. 💌

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Ximena Vengoechea
Ximena Vengoechea

Written by Ximena Vengoechea

Writer, UX Researcher, Author of The Life Audit ('24), Rest Easy ('23), Listen Like You Mean It ('21). ximenavengoechea.com/books

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