Feeling Funny
Ha Ha Ha
Last week I went gift-hunting at one of my favorite shops in the neighborhood, Annie’s Blue Ribbon General Store. Annie’s is my go-to for kid gifts, and I can always count on it for colorful and spirited accessories. I’d been having a tough week (more diagnoses, boo hiss) and was preparing for travel that would be fun but also a little stressful. My visit was purely task-driven: I had three kiddos of different ages I needed to pick up a little something for before my trip, and then I needed to get packing.
Reader, I am so glad I went, not least because I found some excellent gifts for my kid-friends. But also because I found myself in a really good mood thanks to that visit. It reminded me how even though I don’t really like to acquire “stuff,” it sure is nice to surround yourself with things that make you smile.
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Here are three things that made me laugh, chuckle, smile, and grin. May they bring joy to you too.
- The “Adios bitchachos” mug pictured above. Bilingual wordplay? Sign. Me. Up. I love the innocence of that image alongside the cheeky goodbye. If you love it, you can buy your own here.
- This silly coin purse, which makes me smile every time I go for change. Usually looking for small change is a hassle — it’s shoved at the bottom of my pocket, if I have any on me at all. But no longer! Now I get to smile at this joyful, colorful coin purse. You can find something similar at MoMa.
- Disappointing Affirmations: Unfollow Your Dreams!, a book that is exactly what it sounds like, and which really made me lol. These are a few favorites from author Dave Tarnowski’s popular Instagram account of the same name:
A post shared by @disappointingaffirmations
A post shared by @disappointingaffirmations
A post shared by @disappointingaffirmations
You can follow along on Instagram or grab a copy of the book here. (Sadly the book is out of stock on Bookshop and Chronicle Books, but you can always wait or ask your local bookseller.)
What’s making you laugh these days? What’s bringing you joy? What’s making you smile? I’d love to hear it in the comments.
🔗 Links I loved
- A 20-Year-Old Transcriber Is Turning Sheet Music Into Hot Content. George Collier has a thriving YouTube channel but is resisting the urge to monetize.
“I don’t want something that I enjoy as a hobby to risk becoming work.” It’s an increasingly difficult thing to do in a culture where so many of us are taught to “do what you love and you won’t work a day of your life.”
I’m rooting for Collier and hoping he holds firm. When you turn your hobby into your career, what was once a source of true rest and relaxation can quickly disappear, and often isn’t replaced with a new, restful hobby.
🎧 📚 What I’m reading
- Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror. An epic collection of Black Horror stories, curated by the one and only Jordan Peele of “Get Out” fame. These are short stories, so you can dip in and out at your own pace. Recommended!
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💸 Currently coveting
- I think I’ve spent enough this month, no?!
💌 Thanks as always for reading along and supporting my work. If you like what you see, hit the heart button, drop a comment, or share this with someone you think will love it, too. You can order my new book or book me for a speaking event here. 💌
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